Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Development: 

Qualification number: 64649

NQF : Level 5

132 Credits

The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Development is designed to provide higher education for experienced and skilled ECD practitioners.
It will enable ECD practitioners to use and create a holistic and integrated learning programme.
This course will give insight and understanding into inclusive education and the ability to enable participation of learners experiencing barriers to learning and development.
This will empower the learner to have a good understanding of the National Curriculum Framework and how it follows into the CAPS programme.

Course Content:

  • Develop and manage the ECD programme.Mediate active learning in ECD programmes.
  • Promote healthy development in ECD programmes.
  • Literacy in ECD.
  • Numeracy in ECD.
  • Life skills on ECD.
  • Developing an inclusive learning programme.

Course Duration & Structure: 

Part time: Attending 11 contact sessions which includes a presentation
and an open book exam.

Entry Requirements:

  • ECD Level 4 or equivalent.
  • The ability to read, write and use written resource material for learning and teaching in at least two South African Languages.
  • Must have access to an ECD centre to complete 80 Hours of Workplace Integrated learning. (WIL)

Successful Completion:
On successfully completing this course. You will obtain recognised National Higher Certificate in ECD.

Qualification number 64649

This is recognised by SAQA (South African Qualification Authority)
We are accredited by SETA. (ETDP 10078) – View Certificate
You may upgrade registration with SACE (The South African Council for Educators) – Info to register with SACE


Course Terms Price: Deposit Monthly Installment No. of Months Cash Price
Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Development


R3000.00 800.00 10 9,500.00
Click here to apply